COVID-19 Alternate Side Parking Rule Changes

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to daily City life, including street parking rules. While some leniency has been put into effect, parking in New York City is not a free-for-all. Make sure you know the rules before you park.

As of right now, the alternate side parking schedule has been relaxed, but not disabled entirely. As of this writing through Labor Day 2020, each side of the street will only be cleaned once a week, which means that you only have to move your car once a week as well. So which streets are affected?

On streets that are normally cleaned more than once a week, you’ll only have to move your car on the later day. So if it’s cleaned on Monday and Thursday, you’ll only have to drag yourself outside on Thursday. Streets that are cleaned only once a week, commercial streets, and metered streets are not affected.

You can learn more about alternate side parking rule changes here.

Image source.

Categories: NY-New York
Joanne D. :