Alternate Side Parking Fines Increased to $65 Citywide

The NYC Department of Sanitation announced recently that Alternate Side Parking (ASP) violations have been set at $65 citywide. What does this mean for you? It depends on where you’re parking your car.

Previously, only ASP tickets issued below 96th street in Manhattan were set at the $65 rate. All other ASP tickets issued around the city only hit you with a $45 fine. As of February 20, 2020, every orange envelope containing an alternate side parking ticket will cost you $65 in New York City.

In a tweet, the Department of Sanitation insists that “Residents are our partners in keeping the city healthy, safe and clean.” before announcing the increase.

While some residents see the need for cleaner streets, others believe this is simply a way for the City to make more money. Regardless of the reasoning, a little extra vigilance will go a longer way now.

Remember that each block has a different schedule, so make sure to check the sign and know the rules! You can learn more about alternate side parking rules here at 311:

Categories: NY-New YorkParking TicketsTraffic Rules and Regulations
Joanne D. :